Microwave Almond Chocolate Cake

As part of my new year's resolution, I am starting the new year with South Beach diet. Before you jump down my throat for using a "fad diet", it's really good for me and I like the results I get! So mleh :P 

In the midst of the diet, I really wanted something sweet. No, not sweet, cakey. That's a texture I haven't had in a LONG time - something to sink my teeth into. I mean meat and veggies are ok, and tofu can join the party every now and then, but sometimes this girl just wants some CAKE. So here, I fashioned a SB friendly (well, as friendly as cake is going to get) replacement. I can't eat too much of this because it has a lot of almond meal which means a lot of almonds which means a lot of (healthy) fat.

1/3 cup almond meal
1Tbs ricotta cheese
1 Tbs flax meal (this isn't required, but it makes the recipe healthier)
1/4 tsp baking powder
2-3 Tbs cocoa powder
1 egg
1-2 Tbs almond milk -You can definitely substitute regular milk or shake it up. Baileys? ;)
I used about 1 1/2 Tbs coconut palm sugar, and a little stevia. I guess this would equate to maybe 2 healthy Tbs of sugar? Just sweeten to your liking using your preferred method :)

Mix well with a whisk so that all the ingredients are incorporated and moist. 

Pour your batter into a small microwave safe ramekin. I sprayed mine with some non-stick spray before pouring, but if you are using silicone that may not be necessary. My batter fit into one ramekin, but you could definitely split it into two. 

Put into microwave AT 60% POWER for 5 minutes. I yell that part because if you do high power you'll probably burn the top and pull the cake before the inside is actually cooked.

Once done run a knife around the edge and invert ramekin onto a plate. I happened to have some SF caramel syrup in the fridge so I drizzled that over the top and put a scoop of light Cool Whip next to the cake. 


Happy Eating :)


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