I'm Back Baby!

 After FOUR YEARS, many moves, a degree and a kiddo I am back at it! 

I was realizing that I don't really have a hobby. Actually I can't take credit for that realization - the hubs asked me what I'd like for Christmas, and when I said "I have no idea" and he asked "well, what are your hobbies?", I just paused. Forever. Like....I don't have ANY clue what my hobbies are! Is that sad? Is that just a normal adult thing? I feel like so many other people have hobbies and I'm over here like "I showered today, does that count?". (Actually I showered yesterday TYVM)

So anyways I went in search of a hobby. Once upon a time I loved ballet (mostly just talking during class, ruining my knees and developing body image issues), playing saxophone, and theater. I would definitely do theater again the 'rona wasn't around, but sadly that option is likely off the table for a while. I did remember that once upon a time I enjoyed running! And when I say running....I mean barely a mile, mildly hating it the whole way, stars must align for me to get out there kind of running. But hey - it's better than sitting on the couch! But these days I'm definitely not sitting on the couch being a potato - having a toddler keeps me VERY active! But as I have days at home right now while she's at school, I should take 30 minutes to try something that's good for my all-around health! So running. Gonna try. 

Then, a very smart friend of mine mentioned this blog. And I was instantly like WOAH I REMEMBER REALLY LIKING BLOGGING!!! And these days, I can barely see my friends safely much less bring people INTO my life like I used to. So here we are -  the blog is back! It has had many iterations, and once again it is being a bit re-purposed into a slice of life, window into my world until I can see you again kind of space. 

So.....slice of life. Something I do everyday is pack Maeby's lunch! So here is a photo of her lunch! Can you guess what she actually ate? 

There's half of a hardboiled egg, some diced ham, crunchy broccoli and okra, mini club crackers, and cheese cubes. And of course the fruit and veggie pouch. Happy lunching little babe!


  1. Nice to have you back! Running with bad knees? (Just to prove I read every word!) 🥰


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