I found Jesus....

He was in our hollandaise sauce all along! Ok...so maybe Jesus isn't camping out in our hollandaise sauce, but there isn't much else on this planet that's even half as good IMHO. 
Eggs Benedict happens to be my FAVORITE brunch/breakfast dish.....but I think that's due to the poached egg and the hollandaise. The ham and muffin I could take or leave. 
I recently learned how to poach an egg successfully (many huge thanks to my friend Emily S. who taught me), but I have always struggled with the IDEA of making hollandaise. All that on-the-heat-off-the-heat cooking is too complicated for me. But this morning I got a little ballsy and decided to actually go for it. I made hollandaise!! In the microwave. Here's what happened:

2 Tablespoons butter (cold is fine)
1 egg yolk
lemon juice (maybe 3/4 teaspoon? Just to taste)
cayenne pepper

Put your butter in a mircowave safe vessel (I used a glass measuring cup) and microwave for 15 seconds. Open the microwave and "spin" the clump of butter around for a few seconds, then microwave again for 15-20 seconds. You don't want ALL the butter to melt, you need to be left with a lump of softened butter.

While your butter is microwaving mix together your egg, lemon juice, salt and cayenne to taste. I happen to like my hollandaise particularly lemony but you shouldn't technically taste it until it's cooked. You can always add more if you like!

When your butter is ready, pull it out and whisk it a little to break up that piece of butter. Pour in your yolk and whisk whisk whisk! I used a fork. Now leave everything alone for one minute! Stop touching it. 
Stop it.

Alright now put your mixture into the microwave for 8-10 seconds. Open and whisk together (it's OK if it's lumpy). Again, 8-10 seconds. It should be ready at this point - thick and creamy, not separated. 

If you let your mixture boil IT WILL SEPARATE! It happened to me 3 times :( So be careful and WATCH that precious mixture while it's in the microwave. 

Season to taste and pour it over everything.

Seriously. Say no to that. I dare you ;)


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