Summer Cold & Breakfast Hash

Hi guys.....I'm glad blogs don't require you to get close to me because I'm gross right now. Normally when I'm home (especially over a long weekend) I like to spend as much time as possible in the kitchen, but I have quickly learned that being sick and cooking don't mesh well. This was especially evident when our blender decided I didn't need a smoothie last night, I had a melt down in our kitchen, and the hubs had to come to my rescue. :( Also I burned every piece of bacon I tried to cook this weekend. *sigh*

This morning I wasn't feeling markedly better but I was really craving a breakfast hash with a gooey egg (if you're sick, a gooey egg will fix everything). I'm a midwest girl so meat & potatoes probably runs in my blood, but I also know that potatoes will eventually be my undoing and I'm trying really hard not to undo myself too early. Plus I didn't have any potatoes in the house... So here's what I came up with!

Breakfast Hash with Gooey Egg
1 smoked turkey sausage (or any sausage really...I happen to like turkey sausage)
About 1/4-1/2 cup red onion
1/3 zucchini 
Olive oil for sauteing
1 egg (I poached mine, you are welcome to cook yours any way you like so long as the yolk is gooey)

The thing about making hashes is that you want everything the same size: little bitty cubes. So it takes some prep time before you are really ready to saute. So step one: cut everything - but DON'T MIX IT TOGETHER!! While cutting let your frying pan warm up. We're multi-tasking here.

When you have everything cut, add the onions and olive oil to the pan. You want to soften the onions but don't need to brown them. They'll cook for a while.

After about 5-6 minutes add your sausage. This will put a little bit of fat back into the pan but I also put a splash of water in the pan to loosen things up. At this point throw in a pinch of salt and some pepper. I added coriander and red wine vinegar because I really couldn't figure out what flavor profile to give this. You can really do what you like with it - I think it can go virtually anywhere. Oh! I also added some cayenne - I've realized food with a small amount of heat gets me fuller than not-spicy food.

When you add the zucchini drop your egg to poach. The times will match up perfectly! Or start frying your egg, whatever :) You don't want to cook the zucchini too much - just about 2-3 minutes to soften it up but still keep it toothsome.

When everything is done, pour it into a bowl, top with your egg and DIG IN. You won't even miss the potato I promise. The gooey egg will just fill all the spaces a potato would hide :) Enjoy!


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