Happiness + Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

The credit for this recipe goes 100% to my friend Mia - THANK YOU MIA!

I feel like this meal has been paired with so many good memories, it's a little strange that I only learned the recipe 5 days ago! Twice-baked sweet potatoes. Mmmm

Great memory #1: I first had this with my friend Mia last week. She has three of my favorite littles (an almost-3 year old, and twin 9 month olds) and I got lots of quality time with the girls right before dinner! The almost-3 year old ate with us and was far more discriminating about the meal than I was.

Great memory #2: I made this for dinner last night, and anytime I get to eat with the hubs is a good memory. Also Maya (the calico cat) definitely tried to eat the potato right off of my plate!

Great memory #3 came today at work! I brought my leftovers for lunch, but as a standard social worker's day goes, I didn't get to my lunch until 3. Right before eating I had a GREAT session with a new client. This girl made my heart sing :)

So clearly I have really positive associations for this meal. But even if I didn't, it'd still be delicious. Here's what you'll need:

Servings: 2 (if you're hungry. Or there will be leftovers! Delicious, delicious leftovers):
2 sweet potatoes, scrubbed and pricked
1/2 cup sour cream (or greek yogurt)
chopped porky-product (Mia used sandwich ham, I used Canadian bacon. Both were out of this world)
1/2 cup shredded cheese + some to sprinkle
Salt and pepper to taste

Microwave your pricked sweet potatoes until they are soft.
Once cooked, let potatoes cool slightly (otherwise you WILL burn your fingers)(just believe me) and slice them length wise.
Scoop out the insides, leaving just a bit of potato on the skin, and transfer the insides to a bowl.
Add sour cream, cheese, S&P and mix it all up!
Scoop  back into the potato "shells" and sprinkle with cheese
I baked mine, Mia microwaved (the littles were restless at that point) and both made delicious products! Just re-cook until the cheese at the top is melt-y and bubbly.

Serve with whatever side you'd like!

Here is my faithful kitchen companion meowing for scraps and ensuring I don't stay TOO long :)


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