W30 Day 12 - Fin

Today was....enlightening. And it is the beginning of a newer direction.

The past few days reminded me that a Whole30 isn't possible when I'm in grad school. It just isn't. I started this because I wanted to "clean house" with the way I'd been eating during the semester, and I definitely accomplished that! I NEEDED to take a break from the sugar and preservatives because they were clouding my brain and really screwing with how my body was functioning. But right now, I don't have the time necessary to prep appropriately for a W30, I am under so much stress from school that I need to have some part of my life be easy, and W30 still isn't rooted in science, so I can't take it as seriously as I would take something like Atkins (written by a doctor, and has been supported by multiple studies). Not saying I'm going to start Atkins....that's just a comparison.

But this wasn't a total loss, I learned a lot about how my body and brain feel when they're not having insulin spikes, and when they're being nourished by real foods instead of fake ones. I'm going to go back to a closer approximation of my old eating habits, but I really want to be more mindful of the hidden sugars in my food; sugars are something I need to stay vigilant with as I know they are a problem area for me. I will also continue to be vigilant about exercising - it's SO good for me and I know that's something I can do for free any time! I need to stick with foods that aren't filled with preservatives in favor of cheap or easy options. If I can do this consistently I think I'll still feel as clear-headed as I have over the past week and a half.

So thanks for those who were with me on the first leg of this journey. It was fun, and I'll keep posting recipes and whatnot here (I'm about to go on break from school so that should be much easier to do!). I would say I'm sorry it won't be a full 30 days, but I'm really not - this is not a failure but merely a redirection. I'm not giving up on myself, and that alone is a huge win for me! I believe I can keep making healthy choices, and I'm going to support myself in those endeavors. You're welcome to come along if you like :)


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