
Bergen. Is. Adorable. 

I was up late blogging last night and still somehow managed to wake up at 6:30 this morning *facepalm* Well after taking our time getting ready mom and I headed downstairs for breakfast. Again, thank you Radisson for your amazing breakfasts! Ate so much I had to come upstairs and fight off a food coma for a little while! Not a problem though - the museum we had our eyes set on didn't open until 11:00 so we had time to spare. 

Upon leaving our hotel we wandered down to the harbor where there were fish stands everywhere. Except I'm a smart cookie and I could see right through those vendors in a heartbeat - 180 NOK for a plate of fish and fries, or an open faced sandwich is NOT a deal I would expect to see on the waterfront (180 NOK is about $30 US - FYI). This is definitely a tourist town - usually waterfront fish is much much cheaper. But I respect their need to make money from the cruise ships and other tourists in town - it just won't be my money. 

Super scary Monkfish!

Our first fish market

We met a woman selling different styles of sausages - and there were samples!! I tried reindeer, moose, and whale. They also had goat and deer. Reindeer, you were by far the most delicious - I understand why Santa keeps you around. And I also got to see whale filets in their natural, not-cooked but not-alive state. They are almost black!! *mind blown*

After our initial visit at the harbor we wandered down a line of shops geared toward visitors. They were SUPER CUTE and actually didn't feel particularly kitsch at all. Maybe a little.....not a lot. I got a keychain and another small gifty. 

It was then eleven o'clock so we ventured over to the Leprosy Museum at St. George's Hospital which outlined the history of the hospital (starting in the 15th century) that cared for those suffering from the disease as well as contributed to the research surrounding the infection. Really unfortunate but SUPER interesting to learn about! And of course, gorgeous architecture surrounding

At noon we went to a Drop-In concert at the performing arts center. We saw two students perform their work - a violinist and an opera singer. For 20 NOK it was a unique and refreshing break from pre-planned tourist stops! Not to mention the building we were in was totally breathtaking and beautifully designed!

LUNCH TIME!! Mom got her Bergen fish stew! I got a calzone 1. Because I'm not actually much of a fan of seafood, and 2. I was really hungry and that was the best option I could find on our walk back to the room. From there we parted ways - my job was to find a restaurant/entertainment for the evening and mom went to look at the KODE art museums :) 

We are now taking a rest before venturing back out to exchange money, and get some dinner. Good solid Norwegian fare is in our future again!! And can I just say that I know where my love of potatoes comes from.....thank you Norway for putting a potato with everything ;)

As an aside, while I am totally good at washing things in a hotel sink, I'm looking forward to staying with family as I bet they will have machines that can do this for me!! And Norway is much more humid than Colorado...things take longer to dry here. It makes me nervous.

Ok that's all for now! I should put pants back on so that we can get going soon. Ta for now!


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