The Great Norway Adventure! Day One......

My particular  Norway adventure started at 4am when I woke up to catch my super shuttle to the airport - a combination of my bull-headed ness and the woman at super shuttle insisting I would be late caused me to get to the airport three hours early. So I waited. The original plan had been for me to fly out in the afternoon......but months ago that itinerary gave me a funny feeling so I switched myself to the morning flight. A few tornado warnings/bumped passengers later and boy was I glad I listened to my little jimminy cricket conscience. 

An uneventful plane ride later I met up with mom at the Detroit airport and got to go into the delta lounge for the first time. Not only is that place GORGEOUS, but they have free snacks EVERYWHERE!! This girl was in heaven. But as I was surrounded by adult professionals, I kept my enthusiasm in check.

Big ride from MI to France. Slept for about two hours, watched Frozen (not what I expected at all!) and Pitch Perfect, and started Scott Pilgril vs the World. Got to have dinner and I'm pretty sure my butt fell asleep for most of the ride. Arrived safely and got to see the small Air France lounge in the CDG smaller airport terminal! Still crowded but this time with people I was FAR more intimidated to try to talk to.

It was at this point that we were beginning to realize how tired we were. Both of us had other plans for our short plane ride from Paris to Oslo, but we just slept. Thankfully we didn't sleep on the train because this was my first view of Norway!! It is so green, and if I am being completely honest it looks just like Wisconsin! Mom said she understands why our ancestors settled there ;)

We picked up our tickets for Sunday and hoofed over to our hotel. We picked up a sandwich to share along the way with some chips and ate them lying on our backs in our beds as we hadn't been horizontal in over 24 hours. Oh, have I mentioned that Norway is currently sitting at a balmy 75 degrees, when it should be much closer to 50-60? On top of jet lag we are a sweaty bunch. Snacks gone, and it was decision time: take a nap now, stay awake and push through or just go to bed. We opted for a nap.

This is my sloggy brain two and a half hours later thinking that just going to bed would have been a better option. I let mom sleep as she was already super jet lagged - I may go out to get some food for dinner because you can never eat enough in a new country!! 

This is a sore and jet-lagged Mari, signing off for today. Tomorrow will be Oslo for real!!


  1. Glad you both arrived safe and sound...uneventful travel is the BEST! Sleep tight!


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