You got WHAT in Norway!?!

A tan. I got a tan in Norway. 

But first, apologies for missing a few days! You skip one and several others gang up on you as well. Just know we were having super amounts of fun while away :)

Day after Bergen:

First I must say the "homemade Norwegian food" we attempted to have was a fairly sad looking buffet of steamed fish, potatoes and wilted salad bar. Not worth the asking price - so we went to the restaurant in our hotel and it was SUCH a good idea! I had fish soup (uh-mazing) and mom had trout (yummmmm).

Next morning we were up in time for breakfast at the hotel, then shuffled off to catch our bus! The bus dropped us off at the ferry which was a 3-hour fjord tour (amazing as well, however I took far fewer pictures). This ferry cruise was unique in that we were dropped off at a tiny little town called Eidfjord for 3 hours in the middle of the journey. There was also a HUMONGOUS cruise boat docked, and so many of the people were still on the boat!?! Dummies.....that little town was amazing!! We went to the Bergslien museum to look at art, and was particularly interesting because my papa's family is the Lien Family, and my mama's family is the Berg family. To see the names together is rather unique!!

After the museum (where I bought art!!) we ate outside at this wonderful little cafe where both mom and I got a tan ^_^ there wasnt a cloud in there sky to block out the sun!! Just pure blue sky, gorgeous fjords, and water. So so amazing. Another ferry ride to a bus, to a train and we were back in Oslo! Weary from travel but glad to be back in familiar territory.

The next morning (Wednesday) we got to sleep in :) we hadn't been able to do that yet on this trip!! Slept in, had awesome breakfast, and left the hotel room at 12:30. First we visited a beautiful old church just a few blocks from our hotel that we'd been eyeing for a few days, and then mom and I parted ways. 

I decided that Wednesday would be my shopping day :) I got a shirt at H&M (yes, they had a LOT of different clothing - many more were forgiving to larger sizes as well!) a shirt for Andrew, a scarf and a pair of shoes. Oh, and I got interviewed to be on Norwegian television :D a guy asked me to sing a song (I a sang Spice Girls because they're fairly international) and then talk about the experience. For whatever reason I drew a crowd - even the mounted police officers watched for a moment!!

Back to the hotel to meet with mom, pack my purchases and it was off to the train station to head to Tvaderstrand! by train is always an adventure.....but this time was especially interesting. We happened to meet a really helpful young man who spoke perfect English and was translating for the conductor as his English was limited. Suddenly we stopped, and the conductor told a really long story. Everyone on the train was either chuckling or exasperated. We learned that the train in front of us had hit a large group of steer and the carcasses were blocking the tracks. We waited for an hour and a half on those tracks for the heavy steer to be moved away!!! We couldn't even see the aftermath as it had been cleaned up do by the jet time we passed - there were police though. I feel bad for the farmer who lost his herd!!!

The rest of the ride was uneventful and we arrived at our stop. Ole who was picking us up had no way to know how late we were, but he took a nap in the car while he waited :) Got home, and Solveig had soup on the stove waiting for us!! We got in around 22:30 and stayed up until 12:30 in the morning (I think that's 00:30) talking eating and drinking. Suffice to say we slept well that night :) 

Next morning we had breakfast with the family, Ole went off to work for a while (he's actually not back yet) and we three ladies took to the town to visit Tvaderstrand and see the family cemetery. When we returned Mari and her family were already at the house! I got to meet Mari and her wife Ingrid, and their two adorable boys :) hearing a two year old babble in Norwegian is making my day! 

I just took a nap, so now I'm ready for the rest of the the family to arrive, and to have a barbeque! Pictures to come (either here or on Facebook - haven't decided yet). I'm going to sit outside some more - this weather WILL NOT STOP!! It is so amazing out here I have to be outside. Getting tan. In Norway.


  1. LOVE hearing about your adventure!! Glad you are having a great time!


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