W30 Day 1

Day 1 is in the books! I learned a few things from the last time I did this challenge so I'm hoping they come in handy! Namely making robust meal as opposed to anemic veggie-based meals that don't have a protein base.

So first meal of the day didn't actually happen until around 10:30 - we maybe had some drinks and stayed up until midnight last night so....slow start at our house! I am calling this brunch:

Sauteed cabbage and sauerkraut with chicken apple sausage, topped with poached eggs and sriracha.

This is my favorite brand of sauerkraut when I'm doing Whole30 - it's not cheap, but man I am never disappointed when I have it! Also probiotics are good for you ;)

Normally when I adjust my eating I have a tendency to hole-up in the house and avoid going places with temptation or social outings where there's a lot of access to off-plan foods or drinks (no alcohol. at all.). But today I had to go get new tires put on the car, so I had to go to Costco. Wow....that was rough. I dropped the car off and basically booked it as far away from the store as I could. It smelled like cinnamon rolls :( But I prepared and brought an applesauce pouch to stave off any hunger pangs.

When I got home I made vanilla almond milk and MAN I forgot how good homemade almond milk is. Seriously.....it's so so good!

Lunch was what I call a "grazing plate" - I think I learned these from my mom: we used to get a rotisserie chicken and have cheese, crackers, nuts, olives, etc. Obviously I can't have most of those so I had chicken dipped in sriracha mayo (remember when I made mayo!?!) with hearts of palm and freeze dried strawberries (omg yum).

Dinner was an Italian roast with balsamic onions and sauteed potatoes with green beans. I bought a bottle of lemon olive oil from Trader Joe's that I was really excited to use! Now....the Whole30 crew decided white potatoes were okay last year - previously only sweet poatoes were allowed. I don't really think I agree with adding white potatoes - considering all the nutritionally dense foods that ARE available on this plan....why eat a potato? I had one in the pantry that needed to get eaten, so I cooked it up. No more white potatoes for me.

After dinner I worked on some homework while noming on sunflower seeds. For dessert I had a scoop of coconut butter (this stuff is the bomb dot com - seriously) and now a cup of tea before bed.

Not a bad start if I do say so myself!

Goodnight all


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