W30 Day 5 and Thanksgiving Wins!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today was a very mellow day for the two of us: the hubs stayed on the computer most of the time, and I alternated between finishing my season of Top Chef and doing homework. I know....homework on a holiday makes me a sad panda....but grad school doesn't really allow for breaks or holidays. Wah wah....

And of course today was the part of my adjustment to the program that includes me pouting all day about all the foods I WANT to eat but can't. Foods like creamy mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, stuffing.....etc. Ugh today was a struggle with a capital sad face. But I was always planning a W30 compliant menu for today, and I'm proud to say I executed that!

Breakfast was a fluffy omelette-y thing with nutritional yeast and sriracha with bacon and 1/2 a grapefruit. And tea.

Lunch: Our grazing plates had deviled eggs, hearts of palm, olives and garlic, and bacon wrapped dates

Dinner: Ham, scalloped sweet potatoes and green beans with homemade cranberry sauce

I had some worries about the ham being cured with turbinado sugar.....but I decided that if I was allowed to ingest sugar in the form of fruit, the negligible amount of sugar in this ham would not harm my journey. The one major concession I made was having a small amount of ice wine with the hubs. Any time we have Thanksgiving together (i.e. not with the whole family) we have always shared a small bottle of ice wine. That's just tradition, and I can already tell the few days I've had without any kind of alcohol has been super good for my body. Speaking of good things for my body, I'm going to start adding workouts to my week now that I've been on the program long enough to be more or less comfortable. So that'll be....new. At first I hate workouts then I like them. It'll take time :)

Here is the Tom cat - good night everyone!


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