W30 day 7

Well last night was one of those nights where I just dream about cheating and eating off plan. Although I still seem to know better (even in my sleep) so I only SMELLED that pack of pop tarts, I didn't actually eat them ;) 

Today feels better - I think my emotions are just worn out but that also means they are taking a break. I'm okay with that! Tomorrow I will start incorporating exercise into my routine. I've gotten the eating part under my belt (for the most part) so now I'm going to add another element to my project! Over the summer I started working out every day and I got really good at it! So I'm going to try again. 

Breakfast: I was feeling really uninspired at breakfast today so cloud eggs were all I could think of. The potatoes were supposed to be hash browns, but I've never mastered the hash brown so these fell apart almost instantly. I like what happened event more though! Caramelized crispy sweet potatoes 

Lunch was the rest of my leftover scalloped sweet potatoes and a bowl of butternut apple soup. I love making soup, but I made this with someone in mind: a good friend of mine is pregnant with twins, and she's due really soon!! About two years ago she was expecting her first daughter, so I made a batch of tomato basil soup. The day after eating the soup she went into labor and had a safe delivery! So I figured I should follow suit and make another soup for these two new ladies' arrival :)
Oh, I forgot to take a picture so I don't have one for you. Sorry!

Dinner was a thanksgiving leftover plate I ate at my friend's place. She's so sweet and kept offering me food - I forget how restrictive Whole30 is when I just do it on my own! I had some clementines - they were the perfect dessert!

Tomorrow starts workouts! I'll share the workout program I'm using and an after photos o you know I'm actually doing stuff!


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