W30 Day 8

I've been working through some rather "angsty" feelings lately, but they're not specifically related to a particular thing so they've been hard to pin down. I came across a blog that actually summed-up my feelings pretty well (it's from a blog charting the life of a woman after going sober from alcohol - I don't relate to that part as much):

"The Whole30 people refer to certain foods as ‘food with no brakes’ – those foods which don’t send a proper satiety signal to the brain, and instead allow you to eat and eat and eat. I miss those. I miss the oblivion that they provide. It could be salted pistachios or burnt fig ice cream or vinegar-drenched crisps; the texture and the flavour are less important than the mindlessness of it. " -Lifeafteralcohol.com

That's exactly it! I miss the mindlessness of food. And it's weird because normally eating with intention makes you feel more satiated, but for whatever reason I feel constantly hungry. But not really...I mean I eat until I'm full so it's not that my stomach is empty...like I said it's hard to pin down. I miss oblivious eating. How sad is that?

But I worked out today! Go me :) It was one of those workouts that felt okay-ish, but really made me acutely aware of how out of shape I really am, and I don't have the patience to get myself there - I just want to be in shape. Now please....
I said I'd take a picture of myself afterwards, but I didn't and I'm sorry. Here is a picture of Tom who was being cute but was also in my way while I was working out. 

After working out I put my quiche in the oven. It's a potato-crusted spinach quiche and it's SOOOOO GOOD! Admittedly I ate late in the day and I did NOT eat before working out (just went: sleep in, wake up, work out, make quiche). This turned out amazingly well and makes me really happy :) 

Meal #2 was tuna patties and avocado. The tuna patties are really simple: tuna, mayo, pork rinds, 1/2 an egg, onion and garlic powder, and dijon mustard. Mix together and coat with more pork rinds - fry in avocado oil until crispy and eat quickly because you're hungrier than you realize. 

So starting the second week I'm doing well food-wise, but adding exercise will be a new challenge. Gotta just keep on keeping on ;)

I ended the night with my in laws watching the Broncos and eating grapes as they order a pizza. I did have a glass of wine, but I really am having trouble feeling bad about that. It's gluten free. And I won't be having pizza. I'm doing well :)

For anyone who was interested in the workouts I do at home, I use Fitness Blender's workout programs. And bonus, they're cheap AND they're having a Cyber Monday deal where all their programs ($7-$10 each) are 30% off. I REALLY like how approachable they are and their workouts are actually appropriate for people of any ability. And none of that obnoxious chatter. I love them :) www.fitnessblender.com 


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