W30 Day 3

As Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I've been looking for inspiration via copious amounts of internet searching *cough*didn'twanttodomyhomework*cough* and I've come to a conclusion:

Because Whole30 isn't based in science, I know that some of the "rules" they put out can be bent. Now before you go "oh you're just looking for a reason to eat _____ because you miss it" - actually no. One of the rules they have is that you can't make things like cashew ricotta. But you can make almond milk? They have identical ingredients (sub the nuts) and processes, and yet one is arbitrarily allowed and the other isn't? No. I will be making cashew ricotta/cream because it's real food that is minimally manipulated. In my eyes, Whole30 is about going back to real food. I would agree that eating things like paleo muffins/breads/pancakes while on the program is a bit outside the scope (the ingredients are compliant, but it's a lot more manipulation). So anyways, that is my realization for day 3.

The other thing I've learned is that I SUCK at packing lunches! I need to get better at this or just have better leftovers to bring (I don't like leftover beef).

You all know I love a good hash. I took one of my leftover hamburgers from last night and chopped it up with sweet potatoes and onions, and a little sprinkle of coconut aminos. I did top this with a fried egg but SOMETIMES you don't grease the pan well enough and SOMETIMES the egg sticks and breaks the yolk. And the yolk is the best part. So sometimes you don't eat the egg on top.

Leftover roast from Sunday night with spicy giardiniera. Also a mandarin orange cup, kale chips, and hearts of palm.

Smoothie with a banana, some frozen blueberries and raspberries and almond milk. Seriously yum!

Pad Thai with zoodles (zucchini noodles), cabbage, water chestnuts, broccoli, carrots and scrambled egg. And chicken.  Not quite Pad Thai but not bad!


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