W30 Day 2

Day 2!! So far I'm learning that the bulk of my struggle right now comes from my mental relationship with food, and how I feel satiated. For some reason I'm having trouble wrapping my head around not-having bread or pasta with my meals....so every time I eat something I feel like I'm missing part of the meal. I'm sure I'll get over that, but for now I have to ignore this weird nagging feeling that I'm missing something. I also forgot that in the early-stages of this process I dream about foods I can't eat. Not so sure I'm looking forward to that. Also watching YouTube videos about foods I miss isn't helping.....

Today was my first day packing my breakfast and lunch because I was at my field placement. The breakfast didn't go so well....I don't like omelettes without cheese. And my dumb brain went "you're leaving at 12, you don't need to pack a lunch!" False. Brain. I needed a lunch. Thankfully I had a few sides so I just snacked my way home.

Breakfast: 2-egg omelette with nutritional yeast (that's my favorite thing) and green onion. Also 2 chicken-apple sausage (I'm getting tired of these already)
Sorry, I started eating it before I remembered to take a photo!

Snacks: kale chips, apple & sun butter, dehydrated strawberries

Lunch: 2 scrambled eggs with sauerkraut. And a clementine (a very orange plate!)

Dinner: burger with fried egg and sriracha and sweet potato fries

Dessert: I had black grapes for the first time and I probably ate like 12.....they tasted like CANDY omg I need to get some stat. Holy wow.

That's all folks - gonna cuddle with the hubs and watch some anime :)


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