Challenge Day 7

Today was a big day! And ending my first week one Whole30 with two parties was a test of my abilities (to say the least). While my two events were totally great and I had SO much fun, it reminded me I have no where near escaped the relationship I have in my mind between friends and food/drinks. It did, however, result in a gloomy, cranky Mari for the second-half of the day. All I wanted was a bite of cake and a soda. Grr......

I think I set myself up for the best success that I could and overall I'm very proud of how I did. I did not step off my plan - the worst I did was eat some salami I'm sure had a bit of wine added to the curing process, and possibly some nitrates. In the 3 slices I had I'm sure I didn't get enough to ruin anything. Oh and I had 2-3 sips (yes sips, not gulps) of a homemade stout, and I regret nothing!
Went to 24-Hour fitness at 8am for a step class. Yeah....I'm not as in shape as I'd like to think I am ;) But it was good for me!

Breakfast: bone broth, 2 scrambled eggs, 3 strips bacon & sauerkraut
Lunch: crudites at Mia's baby shower, small bowl of chili at home
Dinner: CHILI! (made by me of course) and a few bites of braised steak that blew my mind

Overall, a good first week.
And I might have sneaked a peek and hopped on the scale - I lost 6 pounds this week! :) That makes a second week feel a little easier!


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